The Ten Most Important Questions That You Face
In order to plan for a happy, healthy, financially secure retirement, you will need to ask–and find the answers to–the following questions:
1. How much retirement savings do I need to generate a sufficient retirement income to last the rest of my life? Answering this will help answer the question “When can I retire?”
2. What are the best strategies for drawing down retirement assets to generate a lifetime retirement income that increases for inflation?
3. If I participate in a defined benefit plan, what are the most effective payout options? If I’m offered a lump sum in lieu of a monthly pension, what are the advantages and disadvantages?
4. When should I draw Social Security benefits?
5. How long might I live after retiring, given my lifestyle and family history? This will help answer the above four questions.
6. How can I protect against the threat of large bills for medical and nursing home expenses?
7. What are strategies for balancing income and expenses in my retirement years?
8. What is the role of part-time or full-time work in my retirement years?
9. How can I work most effectively with financial advisors, brokers, and salespeople?
10. What are the most important considerations for selecting financial products and services?